
This map was created by Nautoguide Ltd. and commissioned by the National Museum of the Royal Navy. The two organisations worked closely together in order to marry the historic data and mapping technology into a unique interactive map that allows users to explore and add to the Jutland story.

Using the map you can find relatives who were involved in the battle or add them to the map if they are missing. You can also explore landmarks linked to these sailors such as their home ports, schools or memorials that hold their names. A "note to map" facility allows you to drag a note onto the map and link a location to a sailor. This can be used to mark locations of interest related to them, for example their home before the battle or the location of an artifact of intereest.

You can also add pictures to the sailors which we would very much appreciate. Does your family have a special memory that you would like to share? Take a snap and attach it to a sailor and once approved it is there for the world to see.

All changes to the map will require our approval to prevent abuse, please be patient as your additions/photos/notes will not show up until our moderators have had sight.

Any problem please let us know at